Ode to Ozma

Описание к видео Ode to Ozma

I'm very sad to tell you all that our dear chicken Ozma has died. We're not sure what happened, but she fell ill and passed away within a few short days. She lived a very happy life, and we were blessed to know her while she was here. This is a tune I picked out on piano a few years ago when Ozma was a chick. I found it while was going back through old pictures of her, and it seemed fitting to play as a sendoff for her. I'm in C tuning. Didn't do much by way of arranging or polishing this. It's sad that she was just becoming a regular fixture on the channel, and now that you've all started growing fond of her, she's gone. There'll never be another chicken like her, but we'll play on in her honor. I buried her in the corner of the yard where she liked to sunbathe, and I'm going to get a memorial shrub or something to plant above her grave. She was only a few years old. I know everything has to die sometime, but its still really sad.


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