"Kaken BLIR spist" kontra "kaken ER spist" / "the cake becomes eaten" versus "the cake is eaten"

Описание к видео "Kaken BLIR spist" kontra "kaken ER spist" / "the cake becomes eaten" versus "the cake is eaten"

"Kaken er/blir spist" kan begge oversettes til "the cake is eaten" på engelsk. Hva er forskjellen?

"Kaken er/blir spist" could both be translated with "the cake is eaten" in English. What is the difference?


For grammatikkelskere: "å bli + perfektum partisipp" kalles "bli-passiv" (i presens kan du også bruke s-passiv), mens med "å være" tar perfektum partisipp rollen som predikat.

For grammar lovers: å bli + perfektum partisipp is called "bli-passiv" (in present tense, you can use s-passiv instead), while with "å være", the perfektum partisipp takes the role of a predicate.

... Med andre ord: med "å bli" snakker vi om en handling eller hendelse som skjer (uten at vi nevner hvem/hva som gjør det - subjektet), mens med "å være" beskriver vi subjektet (akkurat som med et adjektiv).

... In other words: with "å bli" we talk about an action or happening taking place (without mentioning who's doing the action), while with "å være", we describe the subject (like with an adjective).


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Stil confused? Watch the video and please leave a comment below if you have ane questions or feedback! :)

PS! I forgot to explain that the verb we use to say that we are born, actually means "to give birth to" (å føde) . So we literally say "I became/got given birth to in 1962 (jeg ble født i 1962). And you remain given birth to (born) for the rest of eternity, the action can not be undone (as far as I know ...). The same way as the cake that has been eaten up, will remain eaten up for the rest of eternity. And that's why it does not make sense to say "jeg var født i 1962", because that would mean that you are not born anymore, that the action has not taken place anymore ... Makes sense? :)


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