Farmingdale High School Symphony Orchestra - A Final 2020 Performance and Message of Hope

Описание к видео Farmingdale High School Symphony Orchestra - A Final 2020 Performance and Message of Hope

This is the first time I've ever tried to create a virtual performance. Performing artists are not meant to perform virtually, recording on iPhones and at the mercy of spotty wifi and video editing programs. However, during this time my students refused to sit back and succumb to the situation of COVID and isolation. I couldn't be more proud of their determination and resilience! Here, along with a video montage, they performed Lyric Metal by Brian Balmages. I will let the piece speak for itself. Pardon the terrible video lag during their performance but again, I'm not a video producer or editor of any kind. I'm a musician and a music educator who, like most of you watching had to come up the learning curve, and fast, to be able to do something like this. I did my best and I am grateful for my students and their willingness to do whatever it took... sometimes 5 or 6 recordings to make this happen. Thank you 2020 Daler Symphony Students.

Performance Credits: Mendelssohn Symphony No. 5 "Reformation" performed by András Vaas and the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra; Grieg Holberg Suite I. Praelude performed by "A Far Car" String Ensemble; and Tchaikovsky's Souvenir de Florence II. Adagio cantabile e con moto performed by the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra conducted by Ilona Brown


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