Advice from Past Finalists | Breakthrough Junior Challenge

Описание к видео Advice from Past Finalists | Breakthrough Junior Challenge

HELPFUL VIDEOS FOR THE CHALLENGE:    • Advice and Tips | Breakthrough Junior...  

SHANNON'S ENTRY:    • Shannon Hutchinson, USA, Finalist: 20...  
DIEGO'S ENTRY:    • Diego García Figueroa, 17, Colombia: ...  
DAVINA'S ENTRY:    • Davina Potkidis, 17, Canada: Finalist...  


Hear directly from Shannon, Diego, and Davina about their experiences in the Challenge plus their advice on how you can make your entry better!

Consider following them on social media too:
Shannon (  / shannon.hutchinson  )
Diego (  / diegz.dg  )
Davina (  / davinpot  )

Thank you so much to these amazing people for taking part in this video!


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