Mouth Of What For / Benjamin Lamb

Описание к видео Mouth Of What For / Benjamin Lamb

So I started this song at the beginning of this year feeling some kinda way about goverment, taxes, work, the working class. Its just a rant on how i feel… i left it alone for a while but, recently my town has been do shady stuff.. by no means am i calling all of them out!! I know there are good one are (they know if they are or not), the ones that stick up for whats right. Voting on matters that affect us a county as a whole. Voting on matters without telling the people about the matters so we cant voice our opinions. (wether our opinions matter who knows) land taxes have more than doubled, we’ve recived letters saying our water is being raised because we are now funding a new water main for a different county, and just passed the vote to add an additonal fee to the already ridciuolous wheel tax that apprentaly no one really knows what it goes for. Its definitely not for the roads. Again this is just my opinion, I’m also tired of buisnesses and etc popping up everywhere cause farmers and mom and pop shops cant compete with everthing going on in the economy. Ive watched corn and tobacco fields ive either been in or worked or dropped something when i was younger turned into apt complexes over night. Again this nothing aginst the people living in this county just the way its being ran. #benjaminlamb #fyp #talbott #jeffersoncountytn #smalltownbigchanges #letusvoteonit #undertherug


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