The Secrets of Page-Turning Fiction: Narrative Drive in George Martin's A Game of Thrones (2 of 2)

Описание к видео The Secrets of Page-Turning Fiction: Narrative Drive in George Martin's A Game of Thrones (2 of 2)

When I went through this chapter looking for the page-turning elements, I was a bit surprised. I expected to see more of what we saw in the prologue, but that wasn’t the case. I mean, there was some mystery, a bit of low-grade conflict between characters, and a few mild shivers of dread communicated through shadow description, but it wasn’t nearly as dire or intense as it had been in the prologue.

The focus in this first chapter was on character creation and world-building through scene or what we might call dramatic incident. In the process of examining it, we discover one of the things that makes fiction indispensable, and better than film: the reason why novels will never die.


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