A Guide to Getting Published with Hazel Goodes | Emerald Publishing

Описание к видео A Guide to Getting Published with Hazel Goodes | Emerald Publishing

This session offers an overview of academic publishing. Hazel will demystify the publishing process, explain what publishers are looking for, and cover burning questions such as what makes a publishable paper, how to select the right journal, and how peer review works. Hazel will offer insight into publishing with Emerald Publishing and will be on hand to answer any questions members might have.

Hazel Goodes is Commissioning Lead for Journals at Emerald Publishing, looking after the subject areas of economics, public policy, and tourism and hospitality. With fifteen years of experience in publishing, Hazel has worked across different subject areas and has experience of working with both books and journals. Hazel co-leads Emerald’s efforts to engage with the policymaker community and is working closely on their most recent format, the policy brief.

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