民國45年 彰化農田水利會成立 1956, the Changhua Irrigation Association was established in Taiwan

Описание к видео 民國45年 彰化農田水利會成立 1956, the Changhua Irrigation Association was established in Taiwan


作者:台灣電影文化公司。彰化農田水利會成立。典藏者:國家電影及視聽文化中心。政府資料開放授權條款-第1版(Open Government Data License, version 1.0)。發佈於《臺灣影視聽數位博物館》https://tfai.openmuseum.tw/muse/digi_...

On December 12, 1956, the inauguration ceremony of the Changhua Irrigation Association was held in the auditorium of National Yuanlin Senior High School in Changhua. Wu Zaikun, the head of the preparatory committee, reported on the reorganization process to the assembly, and Taiwan Provincial Governor Yen Chia-kan delivered a speech, presenting the official seal to the newly appointed president of the association, Lai Weizhong. The Changhua Irrigation Association was formed through the reorganization of the original Changhua, Babao, and Beidou Irrigation Associations.

1956年12月12日、彰化農田水利会(Changhua Irrigation Association)の設立式典が彰化の員林中学(National Yuanlin Senior High School)講堂で開催されました。水利会の準備主任である呉在昆が大会に対して再編成の経緯を報告し、台湾省主席の厳家淦が挨拶を述べ、新任の水利会会長である頼維種に印信を授与しました。彰化農田水利会は、元の彰化、八宝、北斗の3つの水利会を再編成して設立されたものです。

1956년 12월 12일, 창화 농전 수리회(Changhua Irrigation Association) 설립 기념식이 창화 원린 중학교(National Yuanlin Senior High School) 강당에서 열렸습니다. 수리회 준비 위원장 우자이쿤은 대회에 재조직 과정을 보고하였고, 타이완 성 주석 엄가감이 연설을 하고 신임 수리회 회장 라이웨이중에게 인장을 수여했습니다. 창화 농전 수리회는 원래의 창화, 바바오, 북두 3개의 수리회를 재편성하여 설립되었습니다.


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