High Definition Macro- Brown Iris Super Close-Up

Описание к видео High Definition Macro- Brown Iris Super Close-Up

Macro of the human eye.

The iris is the part of the eye that identifies your eye color, and is shaped like a flat donut. It contains the melanin, a brown pigment. The more you have, the darker you eyes appear. Blued-eyed people have melanin at the back of the iris, but barely anywhere else, while brown-eyed people have plenty of melanin scattered about the iris. Albino people (pink-eyed, white skinned people), on the other hand, lack most or all pigment in their bodies. The reason why their eyes appear pink is that the light reflects off the back of the eye, where blood vessels are, making them reddish-pink in appearance. The pupil is simply the hole in the middle of the iris that light passes through.

Two sets of muscles control size of the iris. One is like a sphincter circling the pupil, to make the hole smaller. The set radiates out like the spokes of a bicycle, enabling it strength to widen the pupil. (http://library.thinkquest.org/C005949...)


'Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.' -Ray Bradbury

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