"Unexpected arrival: conflict arises between Maryam and Ali Akbar"

Описание к видео "Unexpected arrival: conflict arises between Maryam and Ali Akbar"

Maryam's family lives a nomadic lifestyle and moves from place to place. As part of this lifestyle, they likely keep a number of chickens or other livestock to provide food and resources.

One day Maryam prepared a good lunch for her children. Unexpectedly, another member of the community named Ali Akbar arrived and brought some food to share with the group. And Mariam and her children kicked Ali Akbar out of the house

While everyone was busy, someone noticed that one of the chickens was dead. Maryam and her son Kian went to investigate. Seeing the dead chicken, they decided it would be best to build a new, separate shelter for the remaining chickens.

This type of situation is probably not uncommon for Mariam's nomadic family. As they move from place to place, they must regularly take care of their livestock and make adjustments to their lives as necessary. The arrival of extra food from a member of the community was also likely a welcome addition to their meal.

Overall, it seems to be a depiction of everyday life and the challenges Maryam's nomadic family faces in trying to provide food and shelter for themselves and their animals on the move. The spirit of cooperation between Maryam, Kian and Ali Akbar is probably an important part of their mutual support in nomadic life.

#Nomadic life
#Unexpected visitor
#Contradiction of society
#Chicken care
#Family drama
#Tension in the tribe
#Common meals
Livestock breeding
#Survival skills
Nomadic routine
#midday meal
#collective life
#House work
Livestock management
Nomadic families
#Traditional lifestyle


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