Mega Man 11 Dr. Wily Stage 1 Perfect Run (No Damage) (Uncharged Buster Only)

Описание к видео Mega Man 11 Dr. Wily Stage 1 Perfect Run (No Damage) (Uncharged Buster Only)

Mega Man 11! On to Wily's Fortress! The one reason why I'm doing 11's fortress stages is because unlike all the other games it does not force you to use weapons/utilities. I don't know if I am going to
do the other ones if so it will be at a later date. Anyways on to the stage! Overall I quiet like the challenge the stage offers with the platforming and enemy placement but I'm kinda surprised that they didn't do more with the Yoku block segments. And Yellow Devil Mrk III. As always a devil fight is very tedious but thankfully since he uses the speed gear and those large shots you can sometimes get more than one shot per pass. With the dificulty of the stage and the tedium of the fight I would give him a 7/10.

If any of you love Mega Man and you play it on Xbox make sure to check out a club I'm an admin of, it is simply named MEGA MAN CLUB.


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