Lecture 29: Solomonoff's Algorithmic Probability and Theory of Induction. Conclusions/Outlook.

Описание к видео Lecture 29: Solomonoff's Algorithmic Probability and Theory of Induction. Conclusions/Outlook.

Lecture Series Advanced Machine Learning for Physics, Science, and Artificial Scientific Discovery".
Solomonoff's Algorithmic Probability and General Theory of Induction. Concluding Summary. Outlook and Challenges for Artificial Scientific Discovery.

Lecture series 2021/22 by Florian Marquardt. See the course website: https://pad.gwdg.de/s/2021_AdvancedMa...

Also see the following website, about our research and other machine learning lectures and lecture notes: https://mpl.mpg.de/divisions/marquard...


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