Arts cluster, University of Pretoria, SanParks and SANParks Honorary Rangers project

Описание к видео Arts cluster, University of Pretoria, SanParks and SANParks Honorary Rangers project

Researchers from the Fine Arts, Information Design and Drama disciplines at the University of Pretoria collaborated in an environmental awareness project. The project, titled Art interaction: cultivating environmental awareness in young learners, is a SANParks, SANParks Honorary Rangers and University of Pretoria initiative that involved a number of key players namely lecturers and students as well as teachers and learners from Mogale Primary School in Mamelodi.

Various visual technologies were considered in the creation of character puppets, educational toolkits, performances, games and activities for the purpose of environmental awareness and education. The creative process was organic and open, with different groups of students slotting into the project at intervals. For instance, third year Fine Arts students created animal characters imbued with moral, ethical and social codes; these "hidden" values were extracted by subsequent groups of students and applied to other creative formats.

SANParks sponsored the first phase of the project (mascots and puppets)

The public environmental awareness programme at Mogale Primary School was sponsored by SANLAM.

For more information, visit the Department of Visual Arts website


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