«Ամբերդ ամրոց» պատմամշակութային արգելոց

Описание к видео «Ամբերդ ամրոց» պատմամշակութային արգելոց

One of the key fortresses of medieval Armenia, Amberd, is located on the southern slope of Aragats, at the confluence of the Arkashen and Amberd rivers. It is one of the unique complex monuments of fortress construction in Armenia, with its architectural composition and historical role. In the X-XIV centuries it included fences, gates, citadel-citadel, secret passages, baths, reservoirs, chapel, Vahramashen Catholic Church, residential buildings.
The castle is known in history mainly as Amberd or Anberd, the origin, etymology and chronology of which are studied in a number of studies.
From the 11th century, Amberd was presented as a significant medieval church-ecclesiastical center, the episcopal see.
Amberd who played a significant role in the political, military, and ecclesiastical life of Bagratuni Armenia during the reign of Gagik I, was a royal, that was succeeded by King Hovhannes-Smbat. The next year, he handed over control of Amberd to the newly appointed commander-in-chief Vahram who belonged to the ancient ruling dynasty of Pahlavun. This fact is of fundamental historical importance for Amberd.
Shortly after Vahram Pahlavuni was entrusted Amberd, and in 1026 completes the construction of the church. Amberd Church becomes the legal successor of Byurakan Diocese as a leader.
Amberd is built on a natural inaccessible cape, the impregnability of the fortress makes the towering walls surrounding the vulnerable parts of the cape reliable. In the north-western part of the castle, the citadel-palace is located in a dominant position over the other structures, which had a rich interior decoration, covered with ornaments, fabrics, lamps.
In the territory of Amberd fortress there is another religious building, the chapel that is located between the reservoir and bath.
Discovered in 1936, during the excavations, when the remains of a human skeleton were found, which serves as a basis for assuming that the chapel served as a tomb. The chapel is currently a small building with a renovated square plan, 5.5 m long and 4 m wide. It is lined with polished basalt stones. The entrance is from the south, it has a semicircular apse on the east side. It dates back to approximately XII-XIII centuries ․.
The Amberd Bath is one of the most important monuments of domestic construction in medieval Armenia, it is located near the eastern wall, about 70 meters from the citadel.
The "hippocaust" system, known since ancient times, was used to heat the bath.
During the archeological excavations carried out in several stages in Amberd during the last century, partial and complete parts of defense structures, walls, towers, citadel, cargo, residential and civil buildings were discovered. Iron weapons, work tools, household items, church utensils and large iron crosses were found. Glazed building pottery, decorated jars, cups, bowls, glass vessels and coins were found.
The discovered objects are valuable not only for the archeology of Armenia, but also for the whole Middle East. Among the archeological finds of Amberd there are about 200 coins. Among the Seljuk, Byzantine and Georgian examples, the two coins minted by King Hetum I of Cilicia Armenia are interesting. Amberd is one of the stone and luxurious passports of our cultural heritage.
Amberd is one of the stone and luxurious passports of our cultural heritage…
На южном склоне Арагаца, на мысе, образованном слиянием рек Аркашен и Амберд, находится одна из основных средневековых крепостей Армении - Амберд. Крепость представляет собой своеобразный комплекс памятников фортификационного строительства Армении и выделяется своей архитектурной композицией и исторической ролью. В X-XIV вв. комплекс включал в себе крепостные стены, ворота, замок-цитадель, тайные ходы, баню, водохранилища, часовню, кафедральную церковь Ваграмашен, жилые постройки. В истории крепость известна под названием Амберд или Анберд. Ее происхождению, этимологии и времени использования посвящены ряд исследований.
Начиная с XI в. Амберд был известен в качестве значительного средневекового духовного центра – резиденции епископства.
Крепость Амберд, играющая важную роль в политической, военной, духовной, церковной жизни Багратидской Армении, при Гагике I на правах престолонаследия переходит царю Ованнесу-Смбату. На следующий после занятия престола год последний передает крепость Амберд в управление новоназначенному спарапету (военачальник) Ваграму, представителю древнего княжеского рода Пахлавуни. Это обстоятельство имело для крепости важное историческое значение.
В процессе раскопок обнаруженные артефакты имеют важное значение не только для археологии Армении, но и для всего Ближнего Востока.
Среди археологических находок имеются 200 монет. В числе сельджукских, византийских и грузинских монет особый интерес вызывают две монеты Хетума I, царя Киликийской Армении.
Амберд один из прекрасных памятников нашего культурного наследия…


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