Battle of Nagashino (1575)

Описание к видео Battle of Nagashino (1575)

Battle of Nagashino, fought on June 28th 1575. in Mikawa Province east of Okazaki Castle, was a decisive victory of Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Iyeyasu against the army of Takeda Clan, rulers of Kai, Shinano and Suruga provinces, at the time the foremost military power of Eastern Japan. Takeda army, some 15 thousand strong with more than 5.000 samurai cavalry, attacked some 38 thousand (8.000 Tokugawa and 30.000 Oda) allied troops, who waited on the fortified position, armed with some 1.500-3.000 matchlock muskets. This was the first time in Japanese history that samurai cavalry was defeated by peasant infantry (ashigaru) in the open field. Takeda army was all but destroyed, and their clan was destroyed by Oda Nobunaga in 1582, while Tokugawa Iyeyasu lived to become shogun in 1600.

This is a fourteen minute clip from episode 38. of NHK taiga drama Nobunaga, made in 1992. No copyright infringement intended, as the purpose of this video is purely educational.


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