Play Based Learning: What The Research Says

Описание к видео Play Based Learning: What The Research Says

Hello educators! Welcome to my channel where I summarize research about an education-related topic so you can incorporate sound information into your practice.

Today we are talking about play based learning. If this sounds like a topic that is up your ally, please stick around, hit the like button, and share your thoughts in the comments.

Disclaimer: This review is my personal interpretation of the research from my personal lens. The information we are discussing comes from one specific research article and is not, therefore, a commentary on the topic as a whole. Let’s get started!


Research featured in this video:

Play‐Based Learning: Evidence‐Based Research to Improve Children’s Learning Experiences in the Kindergarten Classroom
Meaghan Elizabeth Taylor & Wanda Boyer

Available at:

Passionately Curious Educators:


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