Inside A $364,000 Home in Nairobi - Five Star Paradise Runda

Описание к видео Inside A $364,000 Home in Nairobi - Five Star Paradise Runda

I went to see Five Star Paradise Runda after years of procrastination. I was immediately impressed at the entrance. The guards were warm and cordial. The gate is automated and there is a gate for visitors and another one for residents.

The location of the development is not really Runda though. It is more of Thindigua. However the developers have created a little paradise within those gates.

The roads within the estate are well done plus the place seems green, lush and well maintained. The cost of the houses were pretty stunning. The one I toured was going for 45M. Considering the original price was 23M I was stunned at the high appreciation of the costs.

The tour didn't feel comprehensive though as there were many people walking in and out of the property. It's a lovely place to live though.



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