DK Wien Pre-WUDC Vienna Online Open 2022 Round 2 Room 2

Описание к видео DK Wien Pre-WUDC Vienna Online Open 2022 Round 2 Room 2

The speakers are defending randomly assigned positions which may not reflect their personal opinion.

Info Slide: "‘Joyful militancy’ refers to an approach taken by some social movements, which prioritises positive messaging and centres activism around enjoyable activities (e.g. organising dance parades instead of regular protest marches)"

Motion: "THBT social movements should adopt the approach of ‘joyful militancy’."

OG: Matt Mauriello & Rohan Battula (Harvard no confidence in this case)
OO: Valeriu Carasel & Ana Coman (Bucharest A(ustria's immigration problem)
CG: Dhruv Leekha & Nicolas Rackow (Oxford DN)
CO: Rumen Marinov & Nikolay Angelov (Sofia University A)



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