My FAVORITE Master of G - GWN-1000 Gulfmaster

Описание к видео My FAVORITE Master of G - GWN-1000 Gulfmaster

To get the regular GWN-1000 on Amazon:

To get ALL BLACK GWN-1000:

Sadly the one from the video has been discontinued.

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#gshock #gwn1000 #watchgeek

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A special thank you goes to Discovery Japan that sponsored todays video and made this watch possible to be featured on the channel!!

Today we are unboxing YET ANOTHER Gshock!! This one caught my eye ever since it got released, but I never had the balls to pull the triger on one.
Now with Discovery Japan having some leftover funds, I was like, let's see if there are some used ones left, since this has been discontinued for quite some time and BAM, I got one.
GWN1000 is to me the best Gulfmaster, not as complete in functions as the GWN-Q1000 I featured on the channel, but it also doesn't have any problems the GWNQ1000 had.
So you get 90% of the functionality and 100% reliability in a package that, to me at least, just looks better. The black and gold combination is my weakness and i always go for these variants. I'm just a sucker for a bit of gold!!
As usual, stay tuned for the full review!!

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