
Описание к видео L19:

hell volhard zelinsky reaction
mechanism of hell volhard zelinsky reaction.
hvz reaction and their mechanism
some question practice on hell volhard zelinsky reaction

Beckmann rearrangement.
oxidation of ketone
why oxidation of aldehyde and ketone are different
why oxidation of ketone involving cleavage of Bond.
why aldehydes oxidise with weak oxidizing agent while ketone oxidize only with strong oxidizing agent.
haloform reaction like chloroform, Iodoform, bromoform etc.
Iodoform reaction with mechanism.

#most important topic for all categories student....
   • Units के conversion and symbols, सभी ...  

#Chemical kinetics
   • Chemical kinetics-1,online lecture,20...  

   • ####Log and Antilog,Aakash module, Al...  

#Redox reaction :
   • Redox-2: Question practice.  

Organic chemistry revision
   • #Basic organic chemistry, #carbocatio...  

Haloakanes and haloarenes:
   • #haloakanes and haloarenes,#nomenclat...  

Blog link :

Instagram : Vishal singh
a channel of chemistry
you can revise chemistry on this channel
you can get better short tricks of chemistry
this channel include physical inorganic and organic chemistry.
chemistry by IITian. Vishal Singh
chemistry by IIT and guru


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