Announcement: New Episode of "The Nonduality Podcast" on Addiction and Nonduality

Описание к видео Announcement: New Episode of "The Nonduality Podcast" on Addiction and Nonduality

Nonduality Podcast Episode:

New Blog Post on Shadow Work and The Living Method:


Led by Living Method teacher Boh Guerra, this program uses The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening and is derived from Fred Davis's book Beyond Recovery.

The program is designed for anyone who is interested in learning more about Fred's work concerning addiction and recovery within the context of nonduality.

Using The Living Method to help individuals recognize their inherent wholeness and completeness, the aim is to address the root cause of addiction, which is the belief in separation.

The program IS NOT a substitute for medical or mental health services, but rather a complimentary resource to deepen the spiritual dimension of one's recovery. The program includes weekly meetings, small group sessions, and one-to-one work.

The program will also include a workbook with resources and exercises to help participants navigate their recovery journey and will also recognize and support the importance in creating a dedicated community in this path of recovery and the need for a different approach to traditional recovery methods.


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