How to Fortify Your Homebase

Описание к видео How to Fortify Your Homebase

How to Fortify Your Homebase
In any SHTF scenario, our first priority is a secure location, whether we’re bugging in or out. Before looking for water and food we must have our shelter ready - it’s our first and most important priority! Staying in one location longer than a couple of days will require some effort to fortify our security against any predators - animal or human. 

In this video we’ll learn how to fortify our location in order of priority.

For the full post click here:

Have YOU ever setup fortifications on a homebase?
Tell us your story, we’d love to hear it!

Please leave a comment below – I love getting your feedback and I read each and every single comment!

Coming up:
The Israeli protocol to carry a sidearm states that you must not have a round in the chamber until you are ready to fire, while Americans load a round with the safety on, when holstering their pistol, with the justification that it will save valuable seconds when engaging a hostile target. In the next post we’ll put these techniques to the test and see which is better and why. 

I can’t wait to share all of this with you,

So until then - Stay Safe!!

Your friend always,

Roy Shepard


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