李權哲 Jerry Li - All I Need ( feat. Chillaxe)

Описание к видео 李權哲 Jerry Li - All I Need ( feat. Chillaxe)

作詞:李權哲 & Chillaxe

Produced by Jerry Li
Written by Jerry Li & Cody Shih

全部被控管 全部被妨礙
想要的 需要的 不要的浪漫
速度被放慢 生活被依賴
無奈的 戀愛的 麻煩

You gave me all the tricks to fool me
You gave me all the lies to cheat
You gave me all the tears to blame me
but you ain’t giving any love I need

今天沒空 昨天被沒收 明天後天生活還是會被你牽動
我放得太快 接不回來 就算說了我們還是 一片空白
你有的無奈 它不會走開 每天在你的暴風圈裡面 徘徊

You gave me all the tricks to fool me
You gave me all the lies to cheat
You gave me all the tears to blame me
but you ain’t giving any love I need

Can you give me all I need
Can you be the one for me

You gave me all the tricks to fool me
You gave me all the lies to cheat
You gave me all the tears to blame me
but you ain’t giving any love I need


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