I Tested "The Ultimate 7inch Motor? The AOS Supernova 2807

Описание к видео I Tested "The Ultimate 7inch Motor? The AOS Supernova 2807

According to Chris Rosser, the AOS Supernova 2807 delivers more power, more torque , and better efficiency than any other motor in its weight class. The same designed approach used for the AOS Supernova 2207 was used for the development of the AOS Supernova 2807. To determine if the AOS Supernova 2807 is the best 2807 on the market, I decided to run a couple of tests, and I came to my own conclusion about the AOS Supernova 2807.

0:00 AOS Supernova 2807 Intro
1:18 7inch test drone with Emax Eco2 2807
2:10 7inch Drone specs
3:05 Some Freestyle with Emax ECO2 2807 ( Moonlight DVR Footage )
4:40 Some Freestyle with Emax ECO2 2807 ( Gopro 8 Footage )
6:18 Some Freestyle with Emax ECO2 2807 ( Moonlight DVR Footage )
9:24 7 inch Drone with AOS Supernova 2807
10:32 AOS Supernova 2807 Freestyle Footage test and talk
10:35 AOS Supernova 2807 Efficiency Test and talk
14:57 AOS Supernova 2807 Efficiency Flight 1
16:30 AOS Supernova 2807 Efficiency Flight 2
17:30 AOS Supernova 2807 Efficiency Flight 3
18:36 AOS Supernova 2807 Efficiency Flight 4
19:06 AOS Supernova 2807 Efficiency Test impression
20:36 Should you buy the AOS Supernova 2807 ?


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