MUGEN Waifu Big Collection [Download in description]

Описание к видео MUGEN Waifu Big Collection [Download in description]

Download links:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
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Our Facebook Page:   / awesomemugencollections  
Info about the game:
Resolution: 1280x720
Number of characters: 428
Number of stages: 51
Size: 10.5 GB
This collection have multiple gameplay styles eg: CvS, MvC, MB etc... so there are characters who are stronger than others and characters who have better/ more polished gameplay than others .
Screenpack is done by Devon check his channel for more amazing screenpacks:    / presidentdevon  
Finally credits go to all the characters and stages creators they're too much to list.


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