Maplestory Night Lord Reboot Hard Seren solo

Описание к видео Maplestory Night Lord Reboot Hard Seren solo

Gear, Hexa, and BA at the end.
- ~300bps clean (~420bps on Seren dummy)
- 60785 converted hexa stat** but see disclaimers
- I think this number assumes KMS Dreamer patch which buffs NL origin
- This also assumes I use WH buff, which I don't use
both of these metrics are slightly deflated compared to in practice because I do swap Krr to a stat ring sometimes.

I think this is the only unliberated HSeren solo I've seen for an NL -- an iframe really helps for this fight -- more on that later. I think it's also the lowest damage clear I've seen for a NL, but it's really hard to compare because of differences in externals like WH buff, ring swapping, and 6th job affecting theoretical damage distribution.

Notes on the run
My planned routing is what NLs typically do in long runs: phase p1 after AB link comes back after the second burst. This lets you do two bursts each in noon and sunset for the first three cycles and then two bursts in morning and noon (or sunset if you prefer). If you're a tad overstatted, you can even get away with doing the final two bursts in noon and sunset (but you won't get full burst off in final sunset burst).

I accidentally phased too early, so I improvised and bursted in sunset and morning on day 1, noon and midnight in day 2, and then morning and noon in the last two days.
Honestly, this works better. You only have to burst in morning once, and you get more time to DPS on the final day.

Notes on min clear

With just p2 in mind, I'm around 10% fd overstatted for a theoretical perfect clear where I dps as aggressively as I did in while never getting hit in morning/dawn phase.

But that assumes I phase p1 well before my third burst to give myself enough time in p2, and my p1 uptime was pretty good -- I don't think even a theoretical perfect p1 would let me phase in time with a hypothetical 10% fd nerf.

I think with WH buff, something like 270bps seems reasonable, without it, idk. P1 really becomes the bottleneck imo. You can squeeze in a throwblast, ab, lr miniburst on entry with a non ror ring though. I played around with using Crisis HM on entry with a precharged throwblasting, but it was just way too annoying to set up. So with that, p1 might not be a bottleneck even at ~270bps.

Notes on iframe/krrr:
p1 - I think it's doable in theory. You can see a past video where I timeout in p1 without an iframe, and when practicing for that, I've sort of peaked at ~90% success rate in terms of bursting properly without an iframe in p1. It's just subject to a lot of variables like Seren positioning, pillar RNG, and will CD. It's very hard to get these things to align while timing fatal strike.

p2 noon - pretty easy if you're fine with tanking bombs (i.e. your gauge is low). There is a fairly low probability that the beams fire in a way that you can't move out of while bursting, and when that happens, it's doomed.
p2 sunset - impossible. One single pillar kills you, so if two spawn simultaneously during ROR, you're forced to die or get out of ROR. There is actually an interesting strategy that I played around with, which is to burst Seren at the respawn point (left side). If a pillar comes, you just accept your death and respawn immediately. It's quite hard to pull off in practice while timing fatal, and so I decided to commit to using Krrr here.
p2 midnight - unsure. I think I used krr in this run because I wasn't sure, but I try to avoid bursting here since I waste spreadthrow time. I had to in my run because I phased too early. I think you could go iframe-less, but I don't know the exact range of the knockback she does relative to ROR range.
p2 morning - must. I don't think I need to explain.


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