Problem Solving - Crystallised Resin - easy fix!

Описание к видео Problem Solving - Crystallised Resin - easy fix!

If your resin has become milky and lumpy in the bottle, it is because it has got too cold and has crystallised (it crystallises below 7°C).

You need to put the container somewhere warm - on top of a radiator, in a jug of hot water, or in an airing cupboard. If the resin is in a plastic container, stand it in some recently boiled water for 10 minutes and wipe the resin container completely dry when the resin has warmed up. Then give the container a good shake to mix it all up. Be aware that warming resin will shorten the working time.

We advise keeping containers of resin in a place which is above 10°C on a permanent basis (i.e. not in the garden shed!).

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