DREAMING OF YOU - Selena (HD Karaoke)

Описание к видео DREAMING OF YOU - Selena (HD Karaoke)

One of the most memorable song from by an American Tejano singer Selena released in 1995 for the album "Dreaming of You". The song was originally written in 1989 for the American R&B group "The Jets", who turned down the recording.

The song became one of Selena's most widely successful recordings. The song won a BMI pop Music Award for having 2 million airplay in the United States. The Los Angeles Times also placed the song at number five out of its top-ten singles of 1995. Dreaming of you was the most streamed recording of Selena with 788,000 streams in April 2015.

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Music artist: Selena
Released: 1995
Album: Dreaming of You
Video created by: Atomic Karaoke
Layout and Design created by: Atomic Karaoke


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