Best creamy Garlic Butter Corn/ Smothered Corn

Описание к видео Best creamy Garlic Butter Corn/ Smothered Corn

Get some bibs and chair let dig in


3 corn
2 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. roasted vegetables cream cheese
2 tbsp. chives and onions cream cheese
1 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. parsley
1 tsp. Old bay seasoning
Mix all these ingredients well and apply to the corn all over be generous with this mixture guys and place corn in baking dish. If you have any remaining mixture add it to the sauce.

To make the Garlic sauce
add butter to pan then 2 tbsp butter
add 1/2 medium onion sauteed
add 4 cloves garlic mince
add 3 tbsps. fresh parsley
1 tsp. pepper flakes
and cook for about 2 minutes then add
add 1 1/2 cup of heavy cream
Add 1 tbsp chicken bouillon and stir well give a taste , make sure it is right for you then bring to a simmer. pour this creamy sauce over the corn , cover with foil paper and bake in oven for about 40- 50 minutes.
When finish place corn on serving tray or a plate and pour the sauce over the corn and served.


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