Townsville Ring Road (Stage 5) construction

Описание к видео Townsville Ring Road (Stage 5) construction

Hopeful, upbeat music plays. Townsville Ring Road (Stage 5) Project – opening scene is an aerial shot of the Riverway Drive interchange showing cars heading in both directions. The camera pans to view the northern side of the project including construction happening at the Beck Drive interchange.

The video shows the construction of the large retention basin at the Beck Drive interchange and the earth bank construction to create the new overpass, and then shows the same area close to completion with new entry and exit ramps open to traffic.

The next scene is an aerial flythrough showing the construction of the Bohle River (William Condon Bridge) duplication. The video then transitions into a timelapse showing a crane installing bridge decks and construction vehicles and other machinery installing sheeting, reinforcements, concrete, and asphalt.

The flythrough travels over the existing William Condon Bridge heading south with the new duplicated bridge parallel to it. The aerial shot pans the new bridge from south to north.
The video then shows the construction of the Bruce Highway duplication (northbound lanes). The video is heading north from the Little Bohle River Bridge to the Hervey Range Developmental Road interchange.

The next scene shows on-ground footage of construction of the Little Bohle River Bridge duplication with two cranes installing bridge decks. The video then pans from south to north showing the two parallel bridges and new asphalt on the duplicated bridge. An arial shot follows cars heading north over the new bridge.

The video then pans north showing the Hervey Range Developmental Road interchange upgrade and follows cars as they exit onto Hervey Range Developmental Road. The video cuts to a view over the Hervey Range exit and entry ramps showing the duplicated overpasses. The video cuts to a close up shot of the new overpass and earth banks under construction with construction machinery in the foreground. The video cuts to a view below the overpasses of cars traveling southbound on Hervey Range Road.

The next scene cuts to a flythrough of a blackened area of grassland with smoke emerging from different areas. The video is showing a traditional Mosaic burn and was conducted to help improve the landscape health at the Black-throated finch rehabilitation area. Video then shows the same area with trees, shrubs and bonded fibre matrix to promote grass growth.
Video then cuts to the northbound alignment near Kalynda Chase showing the upgrades to the pedestrian underpass and new upgraded pedestrian pathway and then pans north toward Shaw Road and the Dalrymple interchange.

The video then shows the second upgraded pedestrian underpass and shared pathway. Video cuts to an on-ground flythrough traveling through the underpass.
The next scene opens over the Shaw Road exit ramp and pans south to show cars traveling on the alignment at the Shaw Road interchange. Closing screen shows the statement of the Queensland Government's objectives for the community: Good jobs, Better services, Great lifestyle and then the project name 'Bruce Highway Townsville Ring Road (Stage 5)' in a search bar with the Australian and Queensland Government logos underneath. Authorised by the Queensland Government, William Street, Brisbane.


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