Nordland ODR-C vs. CC+ knob by knob comparison

Описание к видео Nordland ODR-C vs. CC+ knob by knob comparison

(direct links are found at the bottom)

According to Kai Tachibana (@Nordland Electronics) some components in the compact pedals, in comparison to the original ODR-C, have been changed in order to fit the smaller housing. But... That must mean that it sounds different… or does it? This video compares the Nordland ODR-C and the ODR-CC+ (compact+ is the one with mid knob) to see if they actually sounds the same.

The primary goal is not to show the versatility of the pedal, or the type of sounds that it can hold. There’s already a couple of great reviews/demos out there made by eg. ‪@SteveSterlacci‬ and ‪@JohnFKlaver‬ just to name a few.

The riffs/song is written by me for the purpose of this video.

The signal chain is as follows:
Burny SG
Pedalboard (Hudson Broadcast * Wampler Tumnus * ODR-C * ODR-CC+)
Orange Overdrive Series Two
Fryette Powerstation PSA2
Two Notes C.A.B M+
Universal LUNA

The CAB M is lodaded with Ownhammer OH 312 ORNG H75-BB1 L Classic1 impulse response (or: Repulsive sponse as I obviosuly want to call it 😂) from the r(E)volution bundle.

In order to get a more realistic in-the-mix-feeling I added som reverb in LUNA to to the guitar track. That’s the only post processing that was done to the guitar. The Isolated tracks have no reverb.

The awesome looking t-shirt with motive from one of my fav movies; Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was a gift from my wife ❤️

00:00 Hello
00:38 Signal chain

In the mix:
01:40 Base tone/amp sound
01:49 Comparing A/B - knobs at 12, dial in gain amount
03:09 Comparing Level
04:29 Comparing Spectrum
05:48 Comparing Bass cut
07:07 Comparing Mid
08:25 Comparing O.D.C
09:43 Comparing Drive
11:02 Comparing Stacking

12:21 Iso A/B - knobs at 12, dial in gain amount
13:40 Iso Level
15:00 Iso Spectrum
16:19 Iso Bass cut
17:38 Iso Mid
18:56 Iso O.D.C
20:15 Iso Drive
21:32 Iso Stacking

22:50 Conclusion

Thanks for watching, happy producing :)

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