Constantine The Great - Late Roman Empire

Описание к видео Constantine The Great - Late Roman Empire

Diocletian leaves behind him a new imperial succession system : the Tetrarchy. This system almost immediately breaks down as rivalries between emperors are already forming.

⏰ Timestamps
0:00 - Introduction
1:02 - Death of Constantius
2:34 - Usurpation of Maxentius
4:40 - Carnuntum
6:25 - The Mivlian bridge
8:50 - The alliance
9:56 - Edict of Milan
11:41 - Conflict with Licinius
14:09 - Constantinople
15:00 - Council of Nicea
16:16 - Reforms
18:01 - Later reign
20:39 - Conclusion

🎵 Music

📚 Main sources
- Hugh Elton, The Roman Empire of Late Antiquity; 2016
- Mondéran Yves, L’Empire romain tardif 235-395 ap. J.-C. 2e édition mise à jour: ellipses; 2016
- Morisson Cécile, Le Monde Byzantin I - L'empire rome d'Orient (330-641): puf; 2012
- Duncann H. Rome Antique L’épopée d’un grand empire: Parragon; 2008
- Becheau F. Histoire des conciles : Christ, Source de vie; 2004
- Rémy B, Oshimizu Y. Dioclétien : L'Empire Restauré. Malakoff: Armand Colin; 2016
- Maraval Pierre, Les Fils de Constantin : CNRS Editions; 2013
- Jerphagnon Lucien, Julien dit l'Apostat : Seuil; 1986
- Lançon B. Théodose: Perrin; 2014

🌐 Internet sources
- Wikipedia fr eng, 2021
- Historical Map Animators, Youtube,    • Плейлист  

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