Описание к видео techno session feat. MUTANT HOT GLUE from ERICA SYNTHS x HEXINVERTER

was so happy to receive the new MUTANT HOT GLUE from ERICA SYNTHS x HEXINVERTER. my drum section consists of erica bassdrum + hi-hats-d from their technosystem, plus their LXR module inspiring many patches and handling countless rhythmic duties. for me the LXR serves as fm digital metallic percussion in most instances.

so bringing the mutant hot glue into the rack forced the drum mixer and dual eg / lfo out of the case. but the 14hp drum mixer typically was being under-utilized to attenuate/compress hihats only. my recordings typically go something like: bassdrum into saffire interface ch-1, drum mixer ch-2, wmd mscl-A ch-3+4 [typically capturing LXR outs L+R 1] wmd mscl-B ch-5+6 [typically capturing LXR outs L+R 2], then utilizing digitakt as a mixer, reverb, delay compression on any other sounds and maybe running a supplementary ride into interface ch 7+8.

in this case the melodic voice is fusion vco2 intertwined in some way into it's twin module for semi-complex ossilation thru black LPG then polivoks vcf as an end filter, then fusion vca2 for that beautiful ugliness of a demented hi-pass filter it acts as and finally run into a dual fx reverb, then to a wmd mscl for final pressures and attenuation throughout the session. the LXR fm bass is run into digitakt for final processing and attenuation.

now the mutant enters the chat and i'm taking bassdrum out of it's ch1 into interface ch1, running hi-hats-d into mutant w/bassdrum sidechaining them to the point of them sounding closed and fighting to emerge til the bassdrum decay is shortened when they push their way thru the mix in an extremely musical way. i do wish there were attack/decay control on front panel, but it can be adjusted using a backside jumper, hasn't proved life or death urgent as of yet, the sounds are going haywire as intended. running a set of LXR hi-hats into this filthy mix and possibly a ride. i do not exactly recall everything about this patch, such as if i had run any of the sends into dual fx, cause i made this and was hungry to move onto the next patch.

my conclusion is that with a couple of WMD MSCL compressors to work with, this system got a lot heavier and lost no dynamics. it would be difficult for me the way i do things lately, lots of stereo cv panning and such to settle on MHG as my only mixer, but not impossible. some things would just be run as sends and recorded seperately, but i have over time developed ways i like to do things. yet i never like to be absolutely stuck to one formula and dropping this into the rack challenges those formulas, healthily so, while not threatening them into extinction.

i can absolutely imagine this mixer serving in an external processing rack, such as one i'd built last year consisting of several divkid stereo strips with a wmd mscl next to each and one paired with librae legio which has become a staple to my bassdrum. i had built it at a time where a lot was changing and parted ways with them for the time being to help fund other projects, but this rack as a concept is very much a foreseeable future rack and with mutant added it'd be a gorgeous sounding processing station.

it's better heard than typed, so please hear for yourself. have a couple more patches to share from these recent sessions. in short the drum mixer wasn't getting tons of use because i prefer to multitrack and reserve the ability to take my head out of the performance and listen in a more grounded mindset. over time i've developed a decent flow of capturing a patch in its rawest form and preserving its integrity in the final mix. i'm really happy with the sound of this module. i remember earlier on thinking it sounded incredible in demos and other's reviews.

girts from ‪@EricaSynths‬ has been an absolute gem of a human being and insightful module head since the getgo of our knowing of eachother and i'm beyond grateful for this gift, it will go to good use, if not it's precise intended use: raw and filthy fucking techno.

THANK YOU!!! more to come very soon... enjoy!

hear the first BLVCKFUSE album HELL IS EMPTY here:

#techno #modulartechno #mutanthotglue #ericasynths #hexinverter


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