Unbox end of year TEACHER gifts | Emotional letter to teacher | Teacher gift ideas | Petite Primary

Описание к видео Unbox end of year TEACHER gifts | Emotional letter to teacher | Teacher gift ideas | Petite Primary

Hello everyone,

Thank you for clicking on this video, great to have you back or welcome if you're new! Today's video is out of the norm for me, but one I wanted to record for my own memories. It's an unboxing of end of year teacher gifts and if you're not a teacher, might give you some teacher gift ideas for the future! It also features an emotional letter which II shall always treasure :)

If you enjoyed it, please give it a like and comment so I can say hi to you, but also make sure to subscribe to see part 2!
See you soon,
Petite Primary

*Let's connect*
Twitter: @PetitePrimary
Instagram: @thepetiteprimary
LinkedIn: Annelies Paris
My services:   / cxyklj7mb-s  

*Additional links*
My Amazon store # af (I've put THE most helpful resources in here at no extra cost to you): https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/petitep...
Hello Fresh referral link, £7 for first box inc. delivery : https://bit.ly/3glUeHu

#Emotionallettertoteacher #unboxingteachergifts #petiteprimary


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