The world’s most powerful compound bow vs armor and warbows…round 2 FIGHT!!

Описание к видео The world’s most powerful compound bow vs armor and warbows…round 2 FIGHT!!

We are back for Round 2 of Rambros revenge!!! It is an all out war to see who reigns supreme with a 100lb King Cobra compound bow from ‪@APAArchery_370‬ and a arrow from Bishop archery along with a great and very special thanks to Chad Sommerville on Instagram who sent me some beefy arrows and broadheads as well! Buckle up folks, its go time

0:00 - 2:52 Intro
2:53 - 5:51 Breaking down the king cobra and arrows
5:52 - 10:22 Wooden Heavy duty shield test
10:23 - 12:37 Brigandine Test
12:38 - 14:20 Hardened Steel
14:21 - 16:41 Into the Modern Era
16:42 - 19:37 Polycarbonate Shield Tests
19:38 -20:23 Special Thanks to everyone

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   / @dashrendar5320  



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   / @dashrendar5320  

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