Berena - Turn Your Face

Описание к видео Berena - Turn Your Face

'Auntie Serena? You have been staring out of the car window for precisely 4 minutes now.' Jason attempted to bring Serena back to reality, waving a hand in front of her face.
'Wh-What?' She tried not to trip over her words questioning her nephew.
'Are we going into work or not? We are already late!'
Serena lets out a sigh in return and glanced at the radio clock.
'Yes, er, you go ahead and get the coffee I will be right behind you.'
Forcing a smile in Jason's direction, she encouraged him out of the car slamming the door behind him.
Silence filled the car and she was once again overwhelmed with a loneliness that she had became all to familiar with since Bernie left.
Letting out a sigh, she reached for the radio turning it on.
Blinking back the tears she felt starting to form in her eyes she rested her head on the steering wheel.
'Why did you have to go?' She whispered, barely audible.
Swallowing a lump that has formed in her throat, she sat up to catch the tears that had now escaped her. As a song came through the speakers she closed her eyes and once again let her feelings overwhelm her. 'Come home, Bernie'.


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