Managing Post Stroke Fatigue

Описание к видео Managing Post Stroke Fatigue

Managing or dealing with Post Stroke Fatigue is a very difficult thing. The sense of discouragement and disability is very apparent with Post Stroke Fatigue

Most Important that you remember that : Being tired is very common after a stroke. It can happen to anyone, so remember it is not your fault.

Here are some tips you can use help manage and fight through Post Stroke Fatigue.

1. Check your prescriptions for potential side effects, including fatigue.
2. Ask for treatment options if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or difficulty sleeping. Family support and understanding can also help. Let your family know post-stroke fatigue can be overwhelming.
3. Try to schedule demanding physical or mental activities throughout the day or week. That way, you’ll plan to take rest breaks before you feel tired.
4. Consider modifying your home and work environment to make them more efficient. Use assistive/adaptive technology when possible.
4. Talk to your physical therapist to understand fitness, balance disorders, uncoordinated movement and walking related to fatigue. 5. Balance and coordination exercises will help you perform tasks with less energy, increase your confidence and decrease your anxiety.
6. Your tiredness may not be obvious to other people so they may not understand how you feel. This may be frustrating for you. Show your family and friends fatigue after stroke information to help them understand what you are going through. They can then help you deal with it.
7. Give yourself plenty of time. It can take many months before post-stroke fatigue starts to lift. The more you push yourself the worse you are likely to feel. Accepting that it takes time to improve can help you to cope better.
8. Don’t push yourself to do too much if you’re having a ‘better day’. Although it is tempting, it may leave you exhausted for the next day or two.
9. Learn to pace yourself by taking proper breaks before or after doing things. Even gentle activities like talking with friends, a car journey and eating a meal can be tiring.
10. Listen to your body. If you are exhausted during the day then rest. This could either be sitting or lying down or sleeping. There is no rule about how much time to rest for. However, if you are not sleeping at night then try resting less during the day.
11. Nap if and when needed. Be part of the Pro Napping Agenda.
12. Don’t make it hard for yourself by trying to do all the things you used to, or at the same speed. It can be helpful to lower your expectations of what you can achieve for a while, so you can build up stamina and strength again slowly.
13. Build up stamina and strength slowly or you may well feel you are going backwards, so increase your activity gradually.

If you notice the signs and symptoms of a stroke in your or someone around you

Facial Droop
Slurred Speech
Inappropriate Word Usage for situation or context
Inability to stand
General Weakness or Weakness to one Body Side
Inability to properly and evenly Smile

Please Immediately place that person in a position of comfort and Dial 911

#IWillAgain #UpAgainAfterStroke #StrokeSurvivor #Strokeunder50 #FightStroke #StrokeAwareness

Email me directly at [email protected]

Here are the articles I used for the research of this video:

Fatigue after stroke

Fatigue after stroke fact sheet

Fighting Through Fatigue

What Causes Fatigue After Stroke?


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