Waqia Qirtas Reply to Dr Tahir ul Qadri Syed Raza Hussain Shah PEN & PAPER CALAMITY OF THURSDAY

Описание к видео Waqia Qirtas Reply to Dr Tahir ul Qadri Syed Raza Hussain Shah PEN & PAPER CALAMITY OF THURSDAY

The Calamity of Thursday - Pen and Paper Hadith. Think about what was going through the heart of Fatima (sa) when Fatima (sa) made that short walk to the courtyard where the sermon was made. Think about her thought process. Fatima (sa) realised that her life had been so cruelly cut short when she made that walk. The words of her father echoed in her ears “Fatima, may my Mother and Father be sacrificed for you”. Umme Abiha (as the prophet called her) knew that this was the same place where only a few months before, her father, the holy prophet (s), would stand in
honour of her status with Allah (swt) and seat her in his place. Why had they forgotten his (saww) warnings. He (s) would in the last 6 months of his life stand at her door, several times a day and read the verse of
purity (33:33). How he (s) would repeat to the companions that the house of
Fatima was the place of revelation. How it was the visiting place of
angels. How he would say with sorrow “Fatima is a part of myself, he who makes her angry makes me angry” (Sahih Bukhari Volume 5 Book 57 Hadith 61”.
Why he (s) kept repeating “I leave you two weighty things one being the Book of Allah(swt)… and the other my Family (Fatima)… I Remind you of your duty to my Family” (Sahih Muslim 5920). Did they not understand? Was it a thirst for power that made them forget or was it hatred for Ali, who had killed their dear ones in the cause of Justice. Or was it the jealousy that plagued Yusef’s (as) brothers? Why had so much honour been bestowed on one individual Ali (as). Why did the prophet choose him? Why did the Dhulficar descend on him and not them? Why did Allah (swt) accept the proposal of Ali (as) for Fatima (sa) and not theirs. Why was the standard given to Ali and not them? Why did Ali stand firm when they all ran in Uhad? Why were the doors of their houses that opened on to the mosque of Medina ordered closed whilst Ali’s remained opened? Why was Ali (as) made the brother of the prophet (saww) after Hijra to the exclusion of them? Why was looking at the face of Ali worship and not theirs? Why was Ali sent to replace them in reading sura Barat? Why was Ali (as) chosen to break the idols they once worshipped? And so much more. Did they really think a prophet of God could show favouritism or God forbid nepotism? Did they really take it so personally, was their pride really hurt, did they really bear a grudge against Imam Ali for slaying their relatives in the cause of Justice? Did Ali’s countless honours at such a young age really make them feel small and inadequate? Yet, how could they not realise that these merits were bestowed on Ali (as), by Allah (swt) and not the prophet (s)? Did they not understand that their welfare lay with Ali (as) or had they returned to their centuries old tribal instincts that the prophet (s) hoped he had
abolished for good. Maybe Fatima (sa) could wake them up, make them understand what Jacob failed to make the brothers of Joseph understand. (Continued in other videos dua mayameen    • Dua al Mayameen   Abu Thar   Arabic s...   )


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