Capturing a Guitar session by video and dissecting katana Go tones to build midi automation.

Описание к видео Capturing a Guitar session by video and dissecting katana Go tones to build midi automation.

A few days ago. I started trying this idea of doing both a front facing video room capture and an iPad screen capture at the same time.
The audio captured is IN THE ROOM via the iPad Pro gen3 stereo mics, in playback over Bluetooth to my Nuraphones and also via the Air EX’s Bluetooth the sound seems fairly faithful and you will hear the acoustic sound of the strings when plucked and then the following delays in playback. If recording this via the Dolby On App you’s get the usb output only - maybe an idea to try that next.

It is not too often I really sit and listen to my own playback so trying this split of controller and player views kinda helps that.
The warts and all approach of being able to hear switch strikes, changes in pickups and having dual views of the same changes in tone to me it lets me review both sonically with no distractions of the apps, and then in app view I can try sifting out the setups of parameters in the BOSS Katana chains and rebuild em in the hxstomp. - an idea to test drive other drop and polyphonic pitch bends, in helix, and also with The Gamechanger Bigsby Pedal up front,

Yesterday I sat and really listened then sectioned up the video for easier seeking.

This runs through using the katana Go as the main guitar path.
In the beginning I’m running kat air ex as a backup path and playing through extra fx and delays.

I then drop to just the Go, by silencing the K-Air side and really work using the pedal blend and wah’s .
Did a good mess with the DC30 as both chorus and then as a 3rd echo delay in the Go’s chain.

Call it a guided noodle I guess but I’m trying to review what happens in a test drive and keeping track of what parameters I tend to get pulled towards when in the moment.

The sounds that most interested me:

Delays, trying out up to 5 delays active by mixing the Air EX and the GO chains in parallel.
Getting the Halo effect going
Go only 3 delay preset
Messing with the Feedback values in delay 1, 2, 3.

Kat Go only:
Pedal fx block:
Pedal Blend - in this play through I’m using my fingers to run the pedal fx. For the blend you would probably want a mix of an expression pedal and several specific drop levels. -24, -22, - 18, a sweep from -18 to +4, a sweep from +4 to + 14, a jump to +18,

Sounds here combined with the slow gear range from drums, to crystal gongs, to rumbling basslines. These would make good use of the pirate midi controllers !

If I keep getting pulled into using certain effects, some of that can be automated easily using OnSong.

One thing for sure, reviewing your own playing a day later, both by video and by ear will teach you a lot and make future mods .

00:00 Start with K-Air MIDI
00:46 Air EX preset 2 - lots of octaver choices to compare against the pedal blend.
01:02 Air EX preset 1… centa overdrive into octaver with dual pan delays and plate reverb - to run in parallel with the Go.
01:24 Air EX preset 3 - an exact copy of the 3C Ambient Clean patch with some choice fx on tap - supporting the Go.
01:18 Humaniser effect on Green
02:37 Let’s go with Purely the Go’s Ambient Clean and get to modding it.
03:15 Two octave drops to start a bass line.
03:35 Ethereal Zone +4 or 5 on the pedal blend.
03:43 Crystal jangles +21 to +23 maybe avoid full +24 or add EQ.
04:13 Crybaby Wah
05:33 Reso Wah
05:47 Pitch Blend effect.
07:30 Good old Earthly Rumbles
07:38 Eyes off the dials and pads - now just listen.
07:54 all drones are done by hand in the moment, a little excessive, to be adjusted down a bit.
08:29 Guitar Volume n Tone knobs adjusted.
09:17 In the room this produces a very 3D sound via the Air Ex speakers, modulating delay very evident.
10:38 Good Chorusing
11:49 Super dropped Bass line - what a rumble!
12:34 Crystals
12:57 Didgeridoo
14:35 Gongs - Tambourines?
15:41 Heavy drops - basslines for looping over.


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