I Became Very Rich, But I Gave Only $100 to My Stingy Stepfather

Описание к видео I Became Very Rich, But I Gave Only $100 to My Stingy Stepfather

Welcome to Here’s My Story. My name is Jade.

I rushed to my mom's side as she fell to the floor, clutching her throat and struggling to breathe.

"Mommy, Mommy!" I yelled.

I grabbed the phone and dialed 911 quickly.

"My mom can't breathe, please help her!"

"Does your mother have any known illnesses?"

"Yes, she has asthma and is always on medication."

The operator said, "We're sending an ambulance right away."

In the hospital waiting room, I sat nervously until a doctor came to update me.

"Your mother is stable now," he began. "She needs to take her asthma medication regularly, but she hasn't for the past three days."


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