Innkeeper | Yoga for Back Pain

Описание к видео Innkeeper | Yoga for Back Pain

Novice/Universal yoga practice
Only 15 minutes!

Quest items: a yoga mat (optional) and comfortable clothes for +2 in Coziness

The Innkeeper is here to listen to your stories of adventure and offer stories or advice in return, while filling your belly with ale and warm delicious treats after a long adventure. However, the life of the Innkeeper is still a strenuous one, lifting all those heavy barrels of mead or cases of produce and meat so, after your travels, you can be well fed and have a place to rest.
This yoga practice does not guarantee instant relief, but with time and practice, it could help you heal and restore your body from carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and all that stress that has made it's way into your back and body.

I designed this practice with the hope to find people throughout the food industry (and other work environments too, of course) who I know need this kind of practice in their life to help stretch out and restore their bodies from all the hard work they put into them from day to day. Having lived and worked in the hospitality/culinary industry for a decade, I know it is a rough and taxing environment and it is not talked about enough.
So please give this short practice a try after a long shift (I'm looking at you: cooks, dishwashers, servers, bartenders, ect.)

Hello, I'm the friendly NPC here to aid you during your wellness journey!
Follow me as I journey into the world of YouTube as I become more comfortable with voice over, editing and figure out the exact feel I want for this channel.

Presently, you are experiencing and extremely rough feel of how I envision my future videos. I just don't want to stress too much time editing in fear that the Anxiety Monster will find me and I won't post footage for months.

With time, I'm sure we will grow into something brighter together.

Shout out to my parents who made me laugh while I was trying to film and the deerfly who was very insistent on trying to land on me.

Music curtesy of Epidemic Sound

#yoga #asana #backpain #backpainreilef #hatha #wellness #innkeeper #foodindustry


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