Should We Manifest During Eclipse Season? YES OR NO??

Описание к видео Should We Manifest During Eclipse Season? YES OR NO??

It is commonly accepted advice NOT to manifest with eclipses due to the obstruction or skew of the Sun's light - however, I have a slightly different take on this. This upcoming set of eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus, October 25th for the New Moon Eclipse at 2° Scorpio and the Full Moon Eclipse at 16° Taurus are going to be powerful and can be used for certain objectives so long as you are able to handle the consequences of the destruction that is likely to carve the path for your desired outcome. Its challenging, but I also think we'd be missing out on something great if we just entirely ignored the event entirely.


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💥 My Personal Zodiac Info
Sun: Virgo (12th House)
Moon: Scorpio (2nd House)
Rising: Libra

Sun: Virgo (1st House)
Moon: Libra (2nd House - Vishaka)
Rising: Virgo


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