Setting Up A Straw Bale Garden-Let's Get Started

Описание к видео Setting Up A Straw Bale Garden-Let's Get Started

I decided to change the layout of my garden this year due to some irrigation issues I was having. I thought I would show you the set up from start to finish. This video is about setting up the Straw Bale Garden. It will provide instruction on choosing the right location, the right bales, placement of the bales, and setting up the support posts and trellis wires. If you follow these instructions you will have your garden ready for conditioning. This video describes in detail the purpose for t-posts and trellis wires running across each row.

One thing I forgot to mention, you can have as big or little a garden as you want or have room for. You can also put your bales on a driveway or patio if wanted. You would not have to use any cloth, cardboard, or mulch under the bales if you put on solid surface. Just figure out where you want to put it and go from there.

If you have any questions please feel free to shoot me a question. I look forward to hearing from you.


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