Foodfight! Various early animated scenes

Описание к видео Foodfight! Various early animated scenes

Between 2000-2002, Threshold Digital Research Labs produced 7 minutes of animation for their feature film Foodfight! to show to potential investors and the press. This reel was animated with key frames in LightWave and directed by Jim George and George Johnsen. While the reel still remains missing, this is most of what was in it.

Not all the audio is accurate, some of it has lines dubbed over it from the table read audio on the workprint. But you can hear the original dubbing underneath their lines at certain points. (Mostly noticeable with Daredevil Dan.)

There's a few scenes tacked at the end because I felt they were too short to put in order without being jarring. Was mainly just wanting to upload this so they're up anyway. There's a few extremely short clips I forgot to add, which can be seen in the behind the scenes video and the Q-tip tests, but this is 95% of what I've found.


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