The 7 Causes of Adrenal Stress and How You Can End Them Today

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Is it possible to heal your adrenals with simple foods? I want to talk to you about how it is possible, and how it just might be able to change your life for the better. Let’s dig into the science, and then let me show you some easy, practical and delicious ways that you can change your life today.
Adrenal Fatigue and Adrenal Stress

I have talked before about how I want to rename adrenal fatigue (1), which is why I want to start off our conversation today talking about this key difference. The main thing that I do not like about the term “adrenal fatigue” is that I think it can be a bit misleading.

The term itself implies that our adrenals are somehow weaker than before, that they are fatigued and less able to perform. While there are diseases which render the gland unable to produce hormones, for most of us this is just not the way our glands work.
Key Insight: Your adrenal glands might be overactive or underactive, but it does not mean that they are broken – or that they are fatigued!
What is actually happening is that your body is trying to control your adrenals, so that it can heal itself – which is why the term “adrenal stress” is much more appropriate. In a perfect world, I would call it hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal dysregulation, but for now we will just go with something simple and stick with the term “adrenal stress.” Read More Here:


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