BTK inhibitors in the treatment of DLBCL: trials investigating these agents

Описание к видео BTK inhibitors in the treatment of DLBCL: trials investigating these agents

Paolo Strati, MD, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, gives an update on the current research into BTK inhibitors (BTKi) for treating diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Dr Strati mentions several trials, including PHOENIX (NCT01855750), ACCEPT (2015-003213-18), REMoDL-A (NCT04546620), and ESCALADE (NCT04529772). These trials have shown the safety and efficacy of ibrutinib, acalabrutinib, and zanubrutinib in the frontline and salvage settings alone and in combination with R-CHOP, with the disease cell of origin being used to determine subgroups of patients that respond best to BTKi. This interview took place at the 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition, held in San Diego, CA.

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