New Goblin Tribute

Описание к видео New Goblin Tribute

Special thanks to Dark Bill Circus for making the thumbnail

So for the last tribute of this series, I thought it would be fitting to do the Green Goblin’s son, Harry Osborn. I’m going to be honest, I’m not exactly a fan of him. I mean yeah he’s an interesting character like how he’s Spider-Man’s best friend who was constantly abused by his father and then driven by him to become the next Green Goblin after his death. But the main problem is that I just don’t find him to be that impressive as an actual villain. Most of the time, he seems too whiny and pitiful and never feels like that much of a threat compared to Norman (who will always be the best goblin no matter what anyone says). The only adaptation of the Harry goblin I really like is the one in the Rami movies. His story arc in there is basically perfect and also fixed some other problems I have with him too like giving him a different design and super-villain name from his father (I really appreciate the latter because otherwise I probably would have had to call this video “Green Goblin II Tribute” or something weird like that). I know a lot of people think he didn’t get enough screen-time in Spider-Man 3 and he should have been the main villain of that film instead of Venom but I’m personally fine with it because I never saw him as main villain material and I think it would have been tiresome to have two Green Goblins as the antagonists of two Spider-Man movies that are almost back to back, even for me. One last thing, stop turning him into Venom or Hobgoblin or whatever like they do in the recent Spider-Man shows! Seriously, I don’t even know what they were thinking when they did that.

Now the next video should be my one year special which I will try to get out on the day I started my channel. If you’re wondering why I need almost two months to finish one video, it’s because I haven’t really figured out how to match so many different characters to one song yet and I had a little computer accident a while ago where I lost most of the clips I used so now I have to re-collect them all. So that’s going to be really time-consuming and I guess that means I’m going to go on hiatus for a while.

Scenes: Spider-Man TAS, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man 3 (movie and its tie-in video game), Spider-Man: Friend or Foe, The Spectacular Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (movie and its tie-in video game)
Song: Enemy by Fozzy


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