Registration link:
18USDT for new users
Minimum withdrawal 1USDT
Withdrawal fee 0%
Withdraw money anytime
VIP0 amount is 20USDT, recharge 2USDT to buy, 2.5% commission per day, earn 0.5USDT per day
VIP1 amount is 30USDT, deposit 12USDT to buy, 5.0% commission per day, earn 1.5USDT per day
VIP2 amount is 50USDT, deposit 32USDT to buy, 6.0% commission per day, earn 3USDT per day
VIP3 amount is 100USDT, recharge 82USDT to buy, 7.0% commission per day, earn 7USDT per day
VIP4 amount is 300USDT, recharge 282USDT to buy, 8.0% commission per day, earn 24USDT per day
VIP5 amount is 800USDT, deposit 782USDT to buy, 9.0% commission per day, earn 72USDT per day
VIP6 amount is 2000USDT, deposit 1982USDT to buy, 10% commission every day, earn 200USDT every day
VIP7 amount is 5000USDT, deposit 4982USDT to buy, 11% commission every day, earn 550USDT every day
VIP8 amount is 10000USDT, deposit 9982USDT to buy, 12% commission every day, earn 1200USDT every day
The amount of VIP9 is 20000USDT, deposit 19982USDT to buy, 13% commission per day. Earn 2600USDT every day
Daily work commissions can be withdrawn at any time. The VIP earning period is 60 days. After the VIP expires, you need to recharge to buy.
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Share links, invite friends to join Linio, and enjoy team benefits.
Team members deposit 1000USDT, you will get 120USDT team income. 12% rebate
Members of team B deposit 1000USDT, and you will get 50USDT team income. 5% rebate
Members of team C deposit 1000USDT, and you will get 30USDT team income. 3% rebate
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