Trials Evolution - Test Your Might - All Extreme Tracks - 0 Fault Guide

Описание к видео Trials Evolution - Test Your Might - All Extreme Tracks - 0 Fault Guide

Below Is a guide on how to 0 Fault test your Might, The slow and safer way.
Good luck everyone!, Remember persistence goes a long way :)

If your'e looking to 0 fault this Tournament yourself or getting platinum under 5 faults, Take your'e time on moments like:

Out of the Pit.
Crane Rock Drop (aka the 3 rock jump) - Back up and settle your'e rider. 0:25 (Don't do what I do)

-Fishy Business
Stop on the Plywood Jump 1:06
Stop before the Circular Dish Jumps and then push forward. 1:19

-Truth is out there
Stop after the log pile at the beginning for the next jump. 1:47
Stop before the pipe Jump (Lake Jump), Position your'e rider so that is head is in line with the checkpoint and then go. 2:00
Stop at the end jump on the incline before performing it. 2:17

The wreck.
- Bunny Hop to the second log at the beginning, Don't go for both. 2:46
- Stop your rider on the palette incline before going up. 2:52
- Stop before the curved Plywood 3:02 (don't do what I do unless your'e confident)
- Hit the tower with your back wheel so you don't fly over 3:04, (It should set you nicely, If you feel you are going too far tap the breaks)
-Stop at the box jump, Position yourself leaning forward, then go, lean back as you hit the ramp and let yourself bounce up 3:16

Dark City run.
- Go slowly up the first beam and push the gas at the tip. 3:40 (Control where you land more)
- Push off the ramp slowly to land on the Air vent. (Dont stop on the Vent either bunny hop off it when you hit it). 4:02 - Note that my recorded version of this is done poorly.
- Take the cars really slow, Position yourself on the end of the pole and drop down. 4:08
- Try and land on the barrels before the explosive nose first and then bunny hop forward once your back tire touches. (I find this most consistent but others may not) 4:22
- Back up at the Billboard (double pallet area). Go forward with all your speed and bunny hop at the tip of the ramp. 4:28

Inferno 3
- Take the pipe jumps one at a time. 5:20
-On the first pallet jump, bunny hop straight onto it and push off with your back wheel and land with your riders feet extended, then grip the next one. 5:31
-The white barrel can be tricky, My only solid advice is to make sure you dont go too far. Always try to undershoot a tiny bit so you can always go back down and try again if needed.
-The Seesaw. (The worst Part of the tournament). Settle yourself with your rider lean't back at the beginning of the platform. Hit the gas down don't let go to near the end of the platform. Do Not Lean. You can also jump onto it But i Don't recommend it, It is terrible for consistency. 6:02 (Note that I barely made it because I wasn't going as fast as I should have been) - If you break on the next platform start your jump with your back tire on the white barrel.

Way of the Ninja.
You don't have to go fast.

- Stop on this box at the tip if you can, Kick off it with your'e back wheel into the tires. 7:06
- Break as soon as you hit the obstacles after the two pipes. 7:42
- Grip yourself on the end box and then go. 8:02
- Stop at the top of the ramp after the barrels, Break on the ramp and then go forward. 8:12
- Back up on the ramp after the logs and then go forward, you will make it every time. 8:22
- lean forward into the plywood, you should make it every time. 8:38
-Try and break at the top of the barrel, You should fall down nicely and not overshoot the pallet. 8:46
- Back up on the wall climb ramp before going 9:00, (Don't keep going unless your'e confident) Try and get a little bit of contact with the tip of the wall with your'e back tire, You should fall down nicely.
- Go slow over the wire spools and make sure you keep your'e rider even and not tilted. Hit each spool nose first. 9:08

Good Luck! :)

Thanks to iiStriide, The Xzample, Stevie Boi, Dome Kn0cka & ShartRelief for support.


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