Wickenkamp Live Trap - Z Bait Fish Trap

Описание к видео Wickenkamp Live Trap - Z Bait Fish Trap

Z Bait Fish Trap

Z Bait Fish Trap - Standard Size (W-24" x H-8" x L-24")
Z Bait Fish Trap - Large (W-24" x H-11" x L-24")

1" x 1/2" - 16ga. galvanized wire construction. Has two long V shaped funnels with 4" adjustable vertical openings on the standard size and 5" adjustable vertical openings on the large size. Has two bait compartments as well. Used to catch bait fish (sunfish, bluegill, etc.). Customers say it catches as well if not better than the cloverleaf design.

Visit our website for more information: https://wickenkamplivetrap.com/products/ol...


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